This web application encrypts your link or links (website addresses, FTP addresses, etc.) and aggregates them to one password protected URL with an integrity / authenticity check. The final link can be easily and securely shared.
The application is fully client-side (JavaScript and WebAssembly). It means your data is processed in your web browser by your phone / computer (so it does not leave your system) - in the opposite to server-side software, where your data is sent across the Internet (often in an unencrypted form). All data is stored within the encrypted URL.
It uses a strong encryption algorithm (AES 256 bits in EAX mode).
Based on the Paranoia Text Encryption Online (PTEO) encryption engine. The data format is the same - only the final Base64 encoding is modified to consist of web safe characters and to allow browsers to easily wrap long links. PTEO (web application) + as a backup for offline decryption on all major systems / platforms - PTE for PC, PTE for iOS and SSE for Android are also able to work with this format (just enter the correct password, paste your link into the "encrypted text" area and click the "Decrypt" button).